Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Single & Married

In society today marriage seems like the hardest thing to do or like Alicia Keys said it's the "Unthinkable" ... I can't imagine life with someone (outside my family) in my life, for the rest of my life. It seems to me that love and sex have become so mingled that we can't decipher the 2. That is painful and love is not pain, forget what JaRule said =) What to do about love is a question I ask myself daily, give up on it or keep trying? You love and you times. I love to be single but I love to love even more! God put man and woman here to do His will, love yourself and to love others as He loves us. When did we become so lost in this venture of Love and Relationship, Intimacy and Lust? I feel that I look or rather desire to be searched for and seen as a desirable woman. I do not have the figure of a video vixen...that's where my hurt seems Black men look to Black women more for shape than structure. I want it's purest form and I can only hope for reciprocation of it's purest form.

Friday, May 28, 2010

For My Ladies 2010

Fingernails manicured, covered with tips...MAC lipgloss kissing your lips, Seven Jeans showin' off your ass and snug on your hips. Ladies it's about time that we all get a grip so ... sit back, relax and don't trip

We don't have to become what we're depicted to be..just his baby mother or wifey. Yet a woman with strength and dignity!

Head covered with tracks, blode hair down to your back? Blue eyes? Come on, you weren't born like that! We don't have to look like Ms. Berry, Beyonce or Christina Millian, am I hating? No, I just know that we've got it all wrong

I could really care less what a man thinks of me...shit, jeans and old tee, maybe some sweats that fit losely and I guarantee you that I'll still think that I'm sexy!

We can JUST be us fortunately!

Being yourself never gets tired or old. We're not here to be bought, borrowed or sold. I'm simply here to get BACK what Miss-Representation stole, so that we can all get back to being strong, independent and bold!

Refuse to conform to the ways of just ANY man, which is the same guy that will never hold your hand, only in the car but never in public...well, FUCK it!

I'm not "man bashing" trust me, there are pleny of good dudes, they're not all bad...just maybe a few.

One day he'll wake up, early morning ... in mourning, feeling like this life is getting a little boring. He will want to settle down and treat you right, for forever and not just one night. This realization is when he opens his eyes and sees the light. Ladies, I know it can be rough but hold on...alright? I know that a GOOD man is worth the fight. Even if you have been hurt a time or two, KNOW that you lost NOTHING because you still got YOU!